A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
The flowering nature of Bambusa balcooa Roxb. has been described.
It was observed that it flowered giegariously in the clump
but sporadically over the area. The clump died after flowering without
setting any seed. The flowering cycle has been speculated to be
40 ±5 years.
A series of charges of twenty timber species were dried employing
solar drying as well as the conventional air drying and steam heated
kiln drying methods. Solar and air drying were continued for
three years during the entire drying seasons. The results suggest
that the climatic conditions of Bangladesh are suitable for operating
greenhouse type solar kilns throughout the year. Even refractory
timbers of higher dimensions can be dried during the rainy season
to a desired lower moisture content. The quality of the solar dried
timber is found to be superior to both air and kiln dried timber.
Solar drying is significantly more efficient than air drying. It is a
simpler and less expensive drying technique than kiln drying. It is
recommended that the solar drying technique be employed in wood
based industries for effectve utilization of Bangladeshi timber.
Fibre dimension studies of five Bangladeshi woods, namely,
Moluccana koroi (Albizia falcataria), kainjal ( Bischof ia javanica},
jialbhadi (Lannea coromandelica’), narikeli (Pterygota alata) and chundul
(Tetrameles nudiflora) wets carried out to find out their suitability
in paper making. From the data, Runkel ratio, flexibility co-efficient
and relative fibre length, which influence certain pulping properties,
were deduced. Attempts were made to correlate fibre dimensions to
pulping properties of certain species namely, Moluccana koroi and
Kainjal. Considering the fibre length and certain anatomical
characteristics, the potentiality of narikeli for pulping has been
suggested. It is concluded that fibre dimensions along with pulping
properties and the manufacturing processes should be the guiding
principles in evaluating the suitability of the species in paper making.
1. Presented
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