

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Bamboo blight causes mortality of
emerging, partly grown or fully elongated
culms. Symptoms and causal pathogens have
been described by Rahman (1978) and Rahman and Khisha (1983). Boa (1983)
has reported the distribution of the blight
and relative susceptibility of various bamboos
in Bangladesh. Bambusa balcooa Roxb,


Bent solid wood is advantageously
employed in fabricating a variety of products.
Bending is an economical technique
in the manufacture of sports goods, walking
and umbrella sticks, chair parts, barrel
staves, wood rings and covers. Some work
has been done to evaluate the bending
characteristics of woods in many countries.
The level of moisture content of wood
and the period of steaming in the process
of bending are considered important criteria
for bending wood (Anon. 1948, Anon.
1959, Anon. 1967, Martin and Wangaard
1950, Rehman et all 1956). However, no
detailed study has been made on Teak
wood in this regard. It is, therefore


Teak (Tectona grandis L.) is the premier
species both in terms of properties, and
appearance and is the top demanded
species in Bangladesh. In recent years, heavy
demand of timbers in the industries has
led the Forest Department to choose fast
growing species on short rotations. Still
the demand of Teak for constructional and
cabinet manufacturing purposes and also
for export is very high. It is, therefore,
being planted only under the long rotation
Stump planting is the usual practice
for raising Teak plantations. Seedlings are
raised in the nursery, one year ahead, for
stump-planting during May-June in the


Bangladesh is deficient in vegetable
oils. Indigenous sources of vegetable oils
are the agricultural oil crops. Soyabean, coconut,
sunflower and other vegetable oils are
imported to supplement the quantity
produced in the country. Because of acute
shortage of agricultural land, the possibility of increasing oil production by bringing
more agricultural land under cultivation
of oil crops is remote


Sundri (Her Hi er a fames Buch.-Ham.)
is one of the important tree species of the
tidal forests of Sunderbans having wide
range of uses from fire-wood to cabinet
making. Now a days it is the chief raw
material for making hardboard. Other
important uses are as props and transmission
poles. Ecologically, it is considered as the
climax species of this region (Champion
et al 1965) and has been growing well
in those regions of Sunderbans where salinity
is relatively low.

Last Published

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