A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
A leaf disease of oil-palm raised in a nursery of Cox’s Bazar Forest Division in 1980, is reported. Symptoms of the disease have been described. Three fungi were isolated of which Curvularia cragrostidis ( P. Henn.) Mayer was the most frequent and consistent and was considered to be responsible for the disease. The leaf blight was successfully controlled by five weekly foliar sprays with either Benlate or Captan-5 with a solution of 56 gms in 12.5 litres of water for every 400 seedlings raised in polyethylene bags.
A provenance trial with 23 provenances of Acacia mangium was carried out at Keochia Silvicultural Research Station, Chittagong during the year 1983. The primary results showed that the provenances of West of Morehead and Oriomo River of Papua New Guinea, Abergowrie SF and Hawkins creek RD. Parish of Leach Queensland, Australia may be suitable for afforestation programme under the condition of Chittagong forest zone. The experiment needs to keep under close observation before making any firm conclusion.
The germination percentage of Rakta Kambal (Adenanthera pavonia Linn.) seed is very low (2.5%). Soaking of seeds in 20,40, 60 or 80 percent sulphuric acid for 20, 40 or 60 minutes increased the germination percentage. Maximum germination (82.5%) was obtained when seeds were soaked in 60 % sulphuric acid for 20 minutes.
Germination percentage of seeds treated with 40, 60 or 80% sulphuric acid was significantly better than that of the 0% or 20% sulphuric acid treated seeds.
Behaviour of different birds and its effects on agricultural crops were studied in charland of the Padma belt under Rajshahi district. A list of different migratory and resident birds were prepared and effects of those birds on agricultural crops, mainly rice, were observed. The study
revealed that most of the birds are useful for agricultural crops as they live on injurious insects and thus save the crops from destruction.
Sporadic mortality of Sundri (Heritiera fames Roxb.) due to unknown causes was mentioned in the working plan of Sunderbans in 1931 by S. I. Curtis. But the mortality was not pronounced due to removal of Sundri along with firewood by permit holders. After 1971 working was closed for a few years and as such accumulation of dying Sundri in large number attracted the attention of the foresters (Sattar 1977). The total timber loss due to
mortality of Sundri was found to be 1.44 million cubic metres and the total financial loss on the basis of valuation of 1976 was Tk. 2000 million (Shafi 1982).
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