

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Cultivation of oilpalm in Bangladesh
started in 1979. Six hundred hectares of
plantations have already been raised in
Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar and Sylhet forest
divisions on hilly land.
Oilpalms are best grown in many
countries located between 0° to 10° latitudes
(Hartley 1977). Bangladesh lies between
21°25′ to 26°38′ N latitudes. Therefore,
before undertaking ventures of large scale
plantation of oilpalm in Bangladesh, due consideration should be given on her climatic
and soil suitability aspects.


Gamar is a fast growing hardwood
species native to Bangladesh, India, Burma
and other parts of South East Asia. It
grows in a variety of sites but is at its
best in well drained soil. Gamar is already
a potentially important plantation species
in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Malaysia and
Brazil (Gibson 1975). It produces white
durable timber with good working properties
and has good pulping characteristics. In Bangladesh, since 1974, Gamar has
been planted on a 14 years’ rotation in
about 1.4 thousand hectares in the Pulp
Wood Plantation Division, Kaptai. The
future plan is to increase the plantation
over a larger area. Its primary object is


It has been shown that conventional
water repellent when applied to wood
lose their bond strength on weathering
(Voulgaridis 1980). It suggests that the
bond formed between wood and conventional
water repellents may lead to easy
detachment of the deposit from the cell
wall during exposure to weather If the
loss of effectiveness associated with the
above effect is significant, the use of water
repellent substances, able to form stronger
bonds (e. g. H-bonds or covalent bonds)
with the cell wall, may lead to enhanced
long term performance.

Last Published

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