

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera
tigris tigris Linn.) is an endemic subspecies
in the Indian Sub-continent. Only a
few decades ago it had a wider range of
distribution throughout this region. But
due to steady reduction of the forest area
and ruthless killing, this animal is steadily
disappearing from its previous range. Now
it is confined to the Sundarbans only, where
a good population of tiger is still available.
The tiger plays an important role in
the ecosystem of the mangrove forests. It
occupies the top stratum in the food chain.
It mainly feeds on deer population which
in turn have a great influence on the
regeneration of different plant species.
Moreover, the tiger acts as a guard to protect
the forests from illicit felling and has the
potentiality of attracting local and foreign


Among pole species in Bangladesh
Sundri is the most favoured one because
of its very good strength properties and
abundant availability. These facts have
prompted the Bangladesh Power
Development Board and the Bangladesh
Rural Electrification Board to show a keen
interest in using Sundri poles in power
transmission line in Bangladesh.
Sundri pole comes of a stem of Sundri
which occurs as a small to medium sized
evergreen tree with a grooved and buttressed
stem and
It grows
characteristic pneumatophores,
gregariously in the deltaic
of Bangladesh where it occurs
throughout the tidal forests. It is estimated
that the Sundarban forests could provide
more than 50,000 Sundri poles annually in
perpetual yield. (Latif 1965 ).


Teak has always been the principal
species in the plantation programmes of
Bangladesh. More than 70% of total plantation in the hill forests is composed
of Teak (Andersen 1969, Slavicky 1978,
White 1979).

Last Published

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