

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Data on the availability of different sizes of fruits, seed production according to size classes, germination success and viability of  seeds of Sonneratia apetala Buah—Ham. were collected during 1984—85 from the Chittagong coastal area. The fruit dropping period extended from late July to early October. Fruit size varied and proportion of medium sized fruits was h:gh. No significant difference in germination success was detected when seeds from different fruit size classes were collected and sown. Viability of seeds declined with passage of time in the laboratory as well as under field conditions. No seed germinated in the field when sown after 60 days of fruit collection.


Data collected from twelve permanent sample plots (PSP) in the Sundarbans mangrove forest on seedling regeneration from 1981 to 1987 indicated two main problems i.c., appearance of insufficient number of seedlings compared to die vast area of seedling regeneration and failure of seedlings to survive and establish themselves. Average number of seedlings appearing per year was 35,625/ha. There was, of course, wide variation in the availability of seedlings among the plots located in different representative areas of the forest. Of the total new seedlings, Heritiera fomes constituted 41.27%; and Excoecaria agallocha 54% while the remaining 4.73% were seedlings of other species.

Any decreasing trend in yearly appearance ofseedlings was not noticed. Salinity of the area might influence the regeneration which decreased with increasing soil salinity. Relationship between regeneration status and number of standing trees was found insignificant. In some plots, seedlings appeared abundantly. However, seedling halflife for H. fomes in less saline and strongly saline areas was 11.15 and 10.10 months
respectively and for E.agallocha 7.15 and 11.80 months respectively. Seedlings of other species completely disappeared within 27 months. Factors other than salinity might also be involved in matters of survival of seedlings.


Summary of data for the month- of April to August, 1972-
Station: Forest Research Institute, Chittagong.
Time of observation: 0800 hours.


The numerous islands constituting the littoral forests of the Sundarbans have been formed by river-borne silts of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, the two main rivers of Bangladesh. The forests lie between latitudes 21°30’N and 22°31’N and between longitudes 89°E and 90°E.

The productive forest lands of 939820 acres of the Sundarbans produce only 15 million cubic feet of wood per annum at the present (1971)-one acre produces only 16 eft of timber per acre per annum. This poor yield is perhaps due to the inclusion of varied crops under one management plan, an improper management system, ill supervision and the complete reliance on nature for regeneration. The present (1971) poor yield of 16 eft of timber per acre per annum may still go down if proper attention is not given to restocking the forests under an efficient system of management instead of the current selection system.

At least two of the main littoral species, sundri and gewa can be managed in even-aged stands.


Teak fruits were experimentally graded by weight and graded according to size This gave a total 35 weight-cum-size grades of fruits The germinative and the average seedling production capacity of the fruits of each grade were tested. It was found that the results were influenced by the way the data were arranged and produced. The weight-cum-size arrangement showed confused, unexpected and unnatural trends which were difficult to explain but the size-cum-weight arrangement showed a linear relationship between size of the fruit and the number of seeds which was according to expectation and in conformity with the results reported earlier It has, therefore, been concluded that size of the fruit is primary and the weight is only secondary in determining the quality of Teak fruits. Grading of Teak fruits by combining size and weight can give fruit lots upto 50-75 percent germinability and average number of 1.00-2 50 seedlings per fruit.


A study was made on the effects of application of N, P and K on the growth of Teak seedlings in the nursery. Three -concentrations (0,250 and 500 mg/plant/month) of each of N, P and K were tried in all 27 treatment combinations. Height and diameter increase and total oven dry weights were taken as the indices of growth. Chemical analysis of the plant materials were also done for the determination of the intake of chemicals.

Three-element combination of 250 mg of each of N,P and K applied per plant per month gave the most satisfactory result.


Deer is an important mammalian fauna of Bangladesh. It plays an important role in maintaining the forest ecosystem. Blanford, in 1888, recorded five species of deer in this region. These were the Barking Deer (Mjintiaciis inuntjak Zimmermann), the Spotted Deer (Axis axis Erxleben), the Hog Deer (Axis porcinus Zimmermann), the Swamp Deer (Cervns diivanceli Cuvier) and the Sambar (Cervas unicolor Kerr). However, updating of this old record was necessary because during this period wanton deforestation and indiscriminate huntings had taken place resulting in ecological changes and disappearance of quite a few animal species. A reconnaissance survey of the wildlife of Bangladesh was, therefore, carried out between April and December, 1978 ; and special attention was given to ascertain the present position of deer.


This refers to “Phytophysiological studies forests of Chakaria Biggyan Patrika The relationship distribution of ground water seem to the article on mangrove Sundarbans” (Bano 1 & 2 : 17-28). shown between mangrove species table ( Fig. 1 ) does be tenable. Mangrove species grow under tidal swamp conditions. During the high tides water table in tidal swamps occurs over the soil surface. The fall of groundwater table during the low tides under such conditions depends mainly on soil permeability than on elevation of the landform. Soil permeability in Chakaria Sundarbans being very slow, the groundwater table remains almost on the soil surface even during the low tides. No scope, therefore, remains to be confused on the issue at which depth the groundwater table should occur in very poorly drained soils of tidal swamps.


Teak (Tectona grandis) wood in solid form was investigated on its steam bending properties. The effect of four levels of moisture content and also the effect of four steaming periods were evaluated. Both the moisture content and steaming period were found to influence the bending properties significantly. A 30-minute steaming has been found adequate for satisfactory bending of 1.27 cm thick wood. At 60-minute steaming the wood was sufficiently plasticized to enable it to be bent at a sharp angle.


Albizia falcataria Fosberg is a fast-growing exotic tree species. It was introduced into Bangladesh as a shade tree in the tea gardens. Diameter-height, age-diameter, age-height relationships and the growth pattern of the species have been investigated. At the end of the 8th year the MAI has been found to average about 31.0 m3/ha The total merchantable wood yield, excluding the branch wood and brush wood (5 cm top dia), at the end of 8th year has been found to be 248 m3/ha. Data collected from the Bangladesh Forest Research Institute Campus at Chittagong showed that the MAI was about 33 m3/ha. The total calculated yield from the same site was 402m3/ha at the end of the 10th growing season. The preliminary growth curves indicate that the rotation-age would be more than 10 years.

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