A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Necessities of investigators with diverse
interests in fungi have led to the formulation
of new, and modifications of existing
media to buit the specific need of the
researchers during the past. Thus, 185 fungal
culture media have been listed by Booth
(1971). T..ao (1970) has reviewed a large
number of selective media and stressed the
increasing need for evolving more and more
selective media. Most of the selective
media so far evolved have dealt with the
isolation of fungi from soil. Only a very
small number of media deal with the isolation
of fungi from infected plant parts.
Rahman (1982) reported Sclerophoma
pythiophila (Cda.) Hohn to be the most
common associates of Ramichloridium pini
de Hoog and Rahman. During isolation