A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Rakta Kambal (Adenanthera pavonia
Linn. ; Family : Leguminosae, Sub-Family ;
Mimosoideae) is a moderate sized deciduous
tree of the eastern Sub-Himalayan tract,
Burma, the Andamans and the Western
Ghat (Troup 1921, Anon. 1948). The
red wood of Rakta, Kambal is reported to
be used as a substitute for true sandal
wood (Anon. 1948). This tree grows well
in moist areas and is propagated by
cuttings (Troup 1921, Anon. 1948). It is
often planted in road side plantations
especially in southern India. Troup (1921)
reported that the seed of Rakta Kambal
is difficult to germinate.