

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Pati-pata (Schumannianthus dichotoma)
belonging to the Family Marantaceae is one of
the important non – timber forest produces in
Bangladesh. It grows naturally in the swampy
areas as well as is cultivated in low-lying areas.
The stem of this shrub is used for the preparation
of mat, basket, bag and various novelty items
(Mohiuddin and Rashid 1988). The plant can be
grown using rhizome, branch cutting, rooted
cutting and seedling (Merry et al. 1997, Siddiqi et
al. 1998). However, the best performance was
obtained from planting rhizomes. It has been
reported that cultivation of pati-pata is more
profitable than that of paddy (Mohiuddin and
Rashid 1988). Thus fertilizer treatment was given
one year after planting before the monsoon to
observe its effect on the profitable enhancement in
yield. The treatment combinations of fertilizer
doses were as follows :
Tj = NPK each at 270 gm/plot
T, = NPK each at 540 gm/plot
T, = NPK each at 710 gm/plot
T() = No fertilizer (control)
The experiment was laid out in a
Randomized CompleteBlockDesign (RCBD) with
four replications at Bangladesh Forest Research
Institute campus, Chittagong. So, there were 16
plots each with a size of 4.5 m x 2 m. The plots


The Sundarbans mangrove forest is well
known for its rich biodiversity and probably has
the maximum flora and fauna as compared to
other mangrove forests of the world. Prain (1903)
reported 334 plant species in the Sundarbans and
surrounding areas. It is a matter of concern that
there is a loss of biodiversity in the Sundarbans
mangrove forest. Sattar and Faizuddin (1998)
reported that one species of Briiguiera, that is
B. parviflora, has become extinct, and many other
plant species such as Luninitzera racemose,
Xylocarpus granatum, Aviceunia marina, Rhizophore
mucronate, R. apiculata, Kandelia candel, Excoecerie
indice, Cynometra remiflore and Amoora cuculate are
already threatened. Chaudhuri andNjiithani(1985)
did not mention the presence of B. parviflora in the
Indian part of Sundarbans but noted its presence
in the Andamans mangrove forests. It used to be
found associated with other mangrove species in
the Sundarbans on the bank of rivers and creeks
(Naskar and Guha Bakshi 1987). The timber of B.
parviflora is used as fishing pole and firewood. It is
also a fodder plantfor deer and other herbivorous

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