A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
The people of the coastal belt and offshore islands arc very poor. Because of century old neglect the rural economy is handicapped by illiteracy, bad communication and hazard of natural calamities. The Coastal Embankment Project was launched in 1960 to reduce the damages of crops caused by cyclone and to increase the job opportunity for the people living in the area.
Experimental plantations were raised in the coastal area on khash land and on the strips outside the poulders. Attention of the planners was drawn to the Coastal Afforestation Scheme after 1972, and the scheme got priority in the First Five Year Plan. When implemented 3 Coastal Afforestation Scheme would raise 112000 acres of plantation by 1781-82. The newly raised forest would create job opportunity for about one 100000 people in 2-3 decades’ time.